Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Farm Chicks n' Pixie Dust

Two blogs in one day! Nothing like a giveaway to get me back to the computer. I popped over to the the Farm Chicks Blog (Some gals and I have been thinking about trying to do something like their show in our neck of the woods) & those "Chicks" sure have a great blog, they are an inspiration really. So I was going over the last few entries and there it is... an empowering giveaway! Write a blog and enter to win. I have already won,cause I'm double blogging right! Did I mention the giveaway is a fabric giveaway? The company is Pixie Dust Decor and boy are their fabrics precious. I love the darling pagoda print! By the way on the Farm Chicks blog they have a coupon that is good through the entire summer for this cute stuff! I hope I win, but if you blog about it, then I say may the best blogger win ;)


  1. Thank you so much for your post. I hope your show comes together, it sounds like fun! I'm so glad you like the fabric!

  2. Keep up the blogging! I'm enjoying seeing all you do. I would love a shop someday!

  3. Love your chick photo and the boy toy by the coop! Your blog rocks!
